Team members
Principal investigator
Johana Wyss
Trained as a social anthropologist (Oxon 2018), I am a tenured researcher at the Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, originally from Opava, Czech Silesia. My research delves into mnemonic politics, commemorative practices, identity negotiations, transnational borderlands, and the legacies of forced expulsions.
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Postdoctoral researcher
Franz Graf
My research is driven by an interest in 'real people in real places at real times' (Geertz 1988) and a passion for anthropological fieldwork. I explore the nexus of populism and memory in the borderland between Hungary and Austria, explicitly taking ecological transformations into account.
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PhD. Student
Ioana Brunet
I am a first-year PhD student at Regensburg University, I hold an MA in Visual Anthropology from SNSPA University Bucharest and a BA in Sociology from the University of Bucharest. I have participated in various ethnographic and archival research projects in Romania, where I developed my fieldwork and analytical skills.
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Postdoctoral researcher
Diána Vonnak
I am social anthropologist with an interest in heritage and socio-political change. Since 2014 I have been working predominantly in Ukraine. I study how heritage institutions and professionals work in contexts of crisis, armed conflict, and rapid political change.
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Postdoctoral researcher
Laura Mafizzoli
I am a social anthropologist with an interest in memory activism, social and political change, commemorations, and the politics of difficult heritages. I hold a PhD from the University of Manchester (2023), and for my PhD research I explored the contestations surrounding Gulag memorialisation practices in Tbilisi.
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Research associate
Astrea Nikolovska
My academic journey was anything but a straight line. I embarked from the dramatic realm of theatre, traveled through the less explored field of cultural studies, and finally reached the (steady!?) waters of anthropology. While I study memory politics, I am primarily interested in the processes of narrative construction and their performative aspects.
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PhD. Student
Jitka Králová
I am a social anthropologist interested in the study of capitalism, social and economic justice and (in)equality, and political mobilisations. Originally from Prague, I have spent most of my twenties studying and living abroad.
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Project Manager
Mária Málková
My role in the project is to assist the team with the EU grant guidelines and rules, maintaining the schedule, and all project documentation.
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Administrative Support
Kateřina Joštová
In the MEMPOP project, I assist with administrative tasks, providing support to the main project manager and the entire team.
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